Self-Adhesive Wallpaper
There are several factors to consider when choosing wallpaper. For most of us, first and foremost is cost. Some wallpaper types can be very costly. They can be made of expensive materials, be printed on thick, embossed fabrics, and contain patented, signature designs by famous artists. So if budget is a concern, the more luxurious wallpaper types can be ruled out. Self-adhesive, on the other hand, is one of the more reasonably-priced styles available today. When it comes to budget concerns, it remains a viable option.
The second factor to consider is application. Traditional wallpaper comes in an unpasted form. This means a paste has to be mixed, applied to the paper and allowed to fix or “book,” before being applied. This type of paper is the most difficult to hang and the most difficult to remove, as the glue can be stubborn after several years. Another type of paper comes pre-pasted. This wallpaper requires adding water to activate the glue. There is less technical ability required, but there is still a method that must be learned and that takes some trial and error on the part of beginners. The final type is the self-adhesive paper. This type comes with an adhesive backing that needs to be peeled off. Once this is done, the paper can be applied to the wall and repositioned for several minutes before the glue becomes affixed to the wall. This brings us to the final factor to consider – removal.
As mentioned above, the unpasted wallpapers can be difficult to remove and have been known to damage some types of surfaces. Their benefit is they can last for decades and save quite a bit of money over the cost of repainting walls every few years. The patterns of these wallpapers are also very beautiful and much more attractive than simple coats of paint. When it comes to self-adhesive wallpaper, the same number of beautiful styles are available and removal is a much simpler operation. In fact, the self-adhesive is the easiest type of paper to remove. It simply peels off the wall, leaving the exposed surface undamaged and untarnished with stubborn glues. So for beginners, and for those who may want to change the paper frequently, or return the wall to its original condition, self-adhesive is the best option.