Testing Water in Pool

Pool Test Strips

These strips remain the most popular choice for making sure the chemicals in the water are at the perfect level. These products are placed in both ends of the water, and then different colors will appear. After this, users can simply use the guide that is supplied with the strips to determine the results. Other methods are still used, but these often require the consumer to measure chemicals, etc.

These are recommended for individuals that want to check their water accurately and see the results quickly.

Test Kits

These kits are more accurate than the strips, but can also be more difficult to use. These require the use of reagents to check the water. Users are required to combine a small sample of the water and then drop a few drops of reagents into it. It will then change colors, and users can determine the results according to a chart that is included.

These can be more accurate than other methods, but they are also more likely to produce the wrong results due to user errors. If a user uses more of the reagents than required, it can easily alter the results, resulting in users not knowing the chemical levels of their water. These are typically used by individuals that want the most accurate results possible without having to use an electronic system.

Electronic System

Owners that want the most accurate results possible with easy to use equipment often spring for an electronic system. These kits work by using the same reagents that other kits do, but they are simpler to use and result in less errors. Users insert a sample of the water into the device, press a button, and then can easily see the results.

As with every other method, there are benefits and downfalls. On the plus side, these are more accurate and easier to use than any other method. On the downside, they are a lot more expensive, and when errors do occur, it can be difficult to tell whether it is an error or not. Individuals usually are aware that they may have dropped a little too much reagent into the sample. Electronic devices are not.

Whatever method consumers choose to use; it is all about what works for them. Many consumers choose to go with test strips because they are easy to use and cost effective. On the other hand, other individuals choose to go with an electronic system due to the higher accuracy.

Whichever method is utilized; it is vital to remember that guaranteeing the safety of the water is the main priority. When pH and chlorine levels are not balanced properly, harmful algae and bacteria can grow rather quickly, making skinny dipping out of the question and posing a potential threat to swimmers. Bacterial infections will ultimately be the result. These can result in the loss of a limb if they are serious enough. Lastly, even if swimmers are not in danger, not checking the water on a regular basis can cut the lifespan of your pool in half, if not more.